Angela Duncalfe
Volunteer Director
Angela has been a determined and tireless worker in the disability sector for over 20 years. She is the parent of a son who has cerebral palsy. She is committed to seeking out and ensuring quality education, therapy, leisure and lifestyle options for people, particularly with physical and multiple disabilities. Angela keenly pursues access to quality programs to maintain and improve life skills, which ultimately enhance life choices for people with physical and multiple disabilities.
Angela has been involved with Conductive Education programs since she and her son, Michael began attending the early intervention program at Xavier Special School. Angela has a strong belief in teaching children to be actively involved in the learning process. By providing these learning opportunities, individuals’ independence is maximized and their participation in community life is increased. Angela is passionate about setting realistic but high expectations. It is through empowering parents and carers to set high standards and working towards achieving attainable outcomes that goals are reached. Instilling a belief in a child to do better, can be the beginning of a rewarding journey.
Angela believes that CEQ offers opportunities for people with physical and multiple disabilities and promotes a community where all members can work and enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle in a more inclusive way.